Twitch Royals: The millionaire that couldn’t afford a good score
In-order to test the grading and scoring systems for I ran a number of streamers through my rating system. These streamers ranged from a 0 viewer Andy, to a Twitch Royal (10,000+ viewers), and various levels of viewership streams in-between. I was surprised to see that the Royal’s score wasn’t way higher than all the low-viewer streamers, in fact, they got the lowest score (48 out of 80 points).
To help visitors have a better understanding of what this site sets out to achieve, I decided to breakdown this Twitch Royal’s score, and walk through each category explaining why Royal got such a low score.
Who is the Royal?
It’s not my intention to call out any specific streamer, only to showcase what I see as a problem within the streaming community. While I’m leaving Royal’s identity hidden, I assure you this is a top streamer that you all know of. This streamer gets a 30-day average viewership of well more than 10,000/stream, has more than a million followers, and is worth over a million dollars.
Comparison with StreamRatings top rated streamer
BicycleofDeath is currently the highest rated streamer on the, here’s a few comparisons between BoD and the Twitch Royal-
BoD got full marks in every sub-category, beating Royal by 2 points. This should be an easy fix for the Royal.
Hosting Skills
Again, BoD beat the Royal in this category, this time by 1 point.
BoD has a full-time job, and as such, can’t stream every day. Which limits his total number of streams in a month. While the Royal is a full-time streamer, obviously.
While both streamers are gamers, BoD does a great job of interacting with his Chat, while Royal all but ignores his community while in game. -Opting to interact with his squad in voice chat, even while dead/DBNO/in-between matches.
Community Participation
Spoilers: BicycleofDeath wins out in this category too.
Both are very active Tweeters, so 5 points to both streamers.
However, the Royal lost points in Community Inclusion. BoD often plays with members of his community, and runs community servers, while the Royal makes no efforts to bring his community into the show, or have community servers/events.
BicycleofDeath stomps Royal in ‘community building’.
Stream Bonus
Do you even need to ask?
-Niche/Unique-ness: BicycleOfDeath has branded his show with a horror/heavy metal theme, and plays (almost exclusively) horror games. The Royal is ‘just some dude’ that plays popular AAA games (like literally ‘millions’ of other streamers). So, BoD gets points in Uniqueness, and Royal does not.
-Gaming Skills: Both streamers were awarded 3 points. Average gaming skills.
-Stream Fun-ness: One streamer is boring and typical, the other makes an actual effort to entertain. I’ll let you sus out which is which.
Obviously, the Royal doesn’t qualify for the Follower or Viewer bonuses.
The Community
BicycleOfDeath has a fun and tightknit community, that’s active and very welcoming to newcomers.
The Royal has viewers. Active and nice enough.
Bike’s community wins. BoD cultivates a positive and close community, while the Royal, again, just has an audience.
Royal = 48pts Vs. BicycleOfDeath = 71pts
Winner: BicycleofDeath (<- Twitch link)
Btw, BoD works a full-time job, and streams to ~30 people, and still puts more effort and energy into his show than the Royal.
So, what went wrong for the Twitch Royal? They’re lazy. That’s it. The money’s rolling in, so why put in any more effort than necessary? All the low/no effort categories got high marks. All medium/high effort categories got mid to low marks.
Once again, I want to make clear- this isn’t about one boring 1%er. It’s about the culture of *popular == better* — Twitch Royals aren’t better streamers (as a rule), they’re just popular. In most cases, they don’t even put in more work than other streamers. They have staff (super fancy!) to do the heavy lifting for them.
The real question is: Why does anyone watch boring and low effort Twitch Royals? There are literally hundreds, even thousands of better streamers on Twitch, go check ’em out.