Silent Assassin- Suggestions

Terabull One
3 min readJan 13, 2020



If you’ve read my other post(s) on Typical Game’s Silent Assassin for Roblox, then you’ll know how much I love this game. -As such, I hold it to a high standard, my only want is for its refinement and continued growth and success.

First, I’d like to say that I understand I don’t know what the developers have thought of, or tried before, these are just my thoughts for what could work to refine the game. Maybe my ideas are useful, maybe not… only time will tell.

A few notes:

1. For the rest of these articles I will be ignoring the ‘Played Round’ reward. At a 50/5 payout, it’s not worth considering. And as my first suggestion, I recommend removing it.

2. I may use the term ‘points’, This is just shorthand for Xp/Coin rewards. 1 ‘point’ = 10/1.

3. I understand that the numbers I suggest (20 points for X) will need to be tested and tweaked. The numbers I give are what I see as a good starting point.

4. As perks and gear change so much of the game on a player-to-player basis, I’ve not taken the current roster into account. I do fully acknowledge that different combinations may make my Problems/Suggestions moot.

Here are a few issues I have with the game in its current state, and some ideas on improvement.

General thoughts and concepts I’ve tried to keep in mind

Risks and Rewards

The more a player risks, the more the player should gain. The various schemes in a game should all seek to balance the game’s risks with its rewards.

Player Skills and Rewards

Games must make efforts to reward higher-skilled players, while not excluding or limiting the progress or fun of lower-skilled players. Games should be fun and reward players of all skill levels.

Simple/fun gameplay

The key to SA’s (and most Roblox games) success is its simple, yet, compelling gameplay. It’s important to always be on… guard (lol) to not over complicate the game’s mechanics. The idea, “Simple to learn; Difficult to master”, should be at the forefront of any system in the game.

Generic Problems and Suggestions

Here’s what I see wrong with the game generally speaking, I’ll go into more details on the various game modes later.

What’s Wrong

1. Currently, player leveling does nothing (that I can see). Once a player figures out that Xp and levels are just for show, it disheartens them.

What I’d Change

1. Simply applying a boost, upgrade, or reward for reaching a new level would add a new dimension to the game, while exciting the player. This would also help with player retention by motivating players to play longer sessions and stick with Silent Assassin longer before moving on to a new game.

Leveling Ideas-

  • Set Coin Bonus on Level Up (+10 coins per level (Level 50 = 500 coin bonus))
  • Coin Boost Bonus on Level Up (2x coin rewards for one hour)
  • Free Loot Crate on level up
  • Assassin Ability Recharge Time Decrease (-.05 second recharge time per level (level 50 = -2.5 seconds to recharge time))
  • Speed+ (All Roles)( +.05)
  • Health+ (Roles- Assassin/Infected/FFA-Guns)( +.05) *


Now let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. -I’ve broken all this into sections (listed below). I recommend reading them in the order listed, the different sections tend to build on one another.


Originally published at on January 13, 2020.



Terabull One
Terabull One

Written by Terabull One

Gaming and Entertainment Guru

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