Review- Far Cry 3
Only 7 years late, but this review will change the way you view modern gaming, forever.
Far Cry 3 is a mad-capped romp through the jungles and mountains of Rakyat island. You play as Jason, a douchie millennial that loves the X-Games. When your (douchie Insta influencer type) friends get abducted by pirates, you must appropriate the local culture and murder the (insanely) varied local fauna in order to save them.
Note: I play using Ziggy’s Mod (Regular), so this will affect some of the pros and cons I have with the game.
What I like
It’s hella fun running around like an Adderall-fueled murder-monkey, popping pirate heads like pinatas. I prefer the stealth approach, opting to use a combination of a silenced pistol and bow… with just a taste of skewering the enemy with my machete. Also, setting pirates ablaze with the flare gun is fun too! The other option is to go loud -with an arsenal of RPGs, grenades and molotovs, LMGs, snipes, and more, several play-styles are supported. Whatever your modus operandi for committing pirate genocide is, you’ll find the perfect tool for the job.
In FC3 you’ll find that the pirates have taken over and set-up outposts throughout the island, liberating these outposts is where I find the most fun to be had. Sneakily assassinating pirate after pirate, doing my best to not let any of the methed-up bastards know anything is wrong… until they’re lying in a pool of their own blood with the world growing darker and darker. -No doubt thinking ~ “What happened to me? How did I let my life come to this pathetic end….”, before sputtering up blood and losing conciseness for the last time. OR-releasing a caged apex predator to do my dirty-work for me, while I sit back and enjoy the show.
Also, there’s video game TDs. Twice!
What I don’t like
While I do have a blast shitting on pirate scum, there is quite a bit about Far Cry 3 that sucks. Whether it be bugs, jankly implemented mechanics, or shitty design, the game can be a bit frustrating at times.
Ok, firstly, the enemy seem to be a bit schizophrenic when it comes to being psychic or not. “Where did he go?” is often immediately followed by every pirate in the outpost knowing my exact location… despite me only using a bow and my trusty machete. Added to that, these psychic bastards hear me dropping a C4 packet or landmines. Like, bro… you’re 40 feet away… how?
The fucking wingsuit! Fuck this thing is annoying. It deploys on its own at the WORST times! FUCK. When it works properly it’s fun…. OH, I just remembered the hand glider. Again fun, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to dismount from it without plunging to your death. — Until you wise up, and disengage over water.
Ok, here’s my biggest gripe with the game. -It’s too much of a !CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE! Super try-hard, playing through the story is tedious and frustrating. Honestly, I wouldn’t touch it, except, I have to finish it in-order to have the option to re-set the outposts…. So that I can continue my pirate genocide.
My last complaint really is a nit-pick- This is one of those games where by the time you get all the unlocks the game is over. By the time you are fully evolved, the. Game. Is. Over… Shit. *blood rage intensifies*
Other than that, there are a number of petty annoyances that aren’t worth my time writing about, or your time reading (my amazing words) about.
What I’d change
Here’s a couple of things that could be changed-
Really wish the game had throwing knives as an weapon option. I wonder if Blood Dragon has something like that… seems like the type of game that would. There is a throwing knife perk thing that’s pretty satisfying, but it’s too limited and really only acts to make me want more knife throwing.
Radio towers are tedious. Here’s a quick fix… After liberating an outpost, some of your Rakyat Brothers arrive and immediately take credit (“This was all me. I’m the man!” (fuck you Tony, you weren’t even there!)), and control of the outpost. This could also be used with the radio towers. Once the ‘puzzle’ (lol) is completed, have a some Rakyat show up and fix the tower. So, in the future, the player can just climb to the top. -Easy access to a wingsuit launch pad.
There’s more that could be changed/improved on… but that’s a story for another time.
Final Thoughts
Far Cry 3 is a fun game to fuck around in. IDK if the following FC games are better or worse, but I’m unwilling to pay money to find out. I really wish I were a hacker extraordinaire, so I could mold this game into what IT SHOULD BE!
You’re welcome for writing this, and allowing you to read it,
Originally published at on October 9, 2020.